Meet Ridwan

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." -- Steve Jobs

Hi there, I am Ridwan Abiodun Awujoola.

I am an enthusiastic and experienced Product Designer with a demonstrated history of working in the design industry with solid problem-solving skills. I am passionate about learning every day to be a better person than I was the day before. I am a very determined and emphatic person who accepts fault whenever I am wrong and correct them.

I seek to solve clients' problems through proven strengths in creativity, collaboration, and taking criticisms. I have experience working with cross-functional teams to brainstorm, whiteboard concepts, and solve everyday problems through useful, sleeky, and clutter-free designs. I can create wireframes at varying levels of fidelity, and enjoy prototyping ideas. I love working with devs to build ideas out.

My optimal process for designing and shipping a UI/UX project is adopting a user-centric design approach called the Design Thinking Process. This approach consists of five stages, namely: Empathy, Define, Ideation, Prototype, and Test. this process is not only the best or most favorable process, but it is also a proven one.

Accessibility is my favorite word. This is my favorite word because I believe so much in accessibility. In the product world, a product that is not accessible by users of different backgrounds is not usable to me.

Outside of design, I enjoy watching movies and listening to music. I am a fan of football and table tennis.

I'm open for job opportunities and always open for collaboration and freelance gigs. You can reach out to me and let's connect!


Product Design
UI/UX Design
User Research
Competitive Analysis
Usability testing
Webflow Development
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Let's work together today.

I am open to jobs/gigs/freelance opportunities. Also, If you want to get in touch with me on UX design, portfolio, career talks or anything in general. Please feel free to send a message

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